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Round table – Bringing to Life: Traditional Indigenous Art Practice in Museums

July 5, 2019

Round table discussion as part of the exhibition: Sding K’awXangs – Haida: Supernatural Stories. Kwiaahwah Jones will moderate an exclusive discussion with artists who are currently exhibiting work in the exhibition: Haida artists Ariane Medley and John Brent Bennett and the McCord Museum’s Artist-in-Residence Hannah Claus.

They will explore the different ways artists bring to life the traditional techniques and knowledge of Indigenous cultures.

– Ariane Medley / Haida name: Xay Kuyaas
– John Brent Bennett / Haida name: Yaahl U’waans, Xuud Juujuu, Xuud Juujuu U’waans
– Hannah Claus

Round table animated by Kwiaahwah Jones, contributing curator for the exhibition, Sding K’awXangs – Haida: Supernatural Stories.

Filming and editing: Philippe Leclerc-Lachapelle