Special Edition

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, at 12 p.m.

Photo : Manny Fortin

Movement and distancing: Are Montreal streets in transition?

The City Talks series presents its first live virtual discussion!

The street is a space for movement and urban life.  Montreal’s arteries have undergone radical changes since the beginning of the pandemic. They were emptied of their usual traffic, and some were urgently transformed into public health corridors. Today, as the city reopens, these streets are part of a well-thought-out temporary plan to facilitate safe active movement.

Will the city’s emergency decisions give way to a reorganization of how the streets are shared as a living space in the heart of our neighbourhoods? What will be the impact on daily life in our commercial streets? Will we be able to take advantage of the circumstances to make way for a completely new urban planning process over the long term?

The discussion will be in French followed by a bilingual question period.


  • Marianne Giguère, City councillor district De Lorimier – Le Plateau Mont-Royal, and Associate councillor responsible for active transportation, city of Montreal
  • Gérard Beaudet, Emeritus urbanist and Professor, Faculty of Urban Planning – School of Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, Université de Montréal

Moderated by Dinu Bumbaru, Policy Director, Heritage Montreal.


Free activity.
Register now: Zoom RegistrationFacebook Event

City Talks

The City Talks series brings urban thinkers and builders together to discuss current practical issues related to urban planning and the city, subjects that are relevant to Montrealers.

The talks are moderated by Dinu Bumbaru, Policy Director of Heritage Montreal. Share your perspective on our city. Discuss your ideas on the challenges facing it now and in the future!

View our previous online City Talks here.

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