Citizen Actions Project

The Voices of Citizens: partnership with L’Itinéraire

Inspired by its mission to promote openness and strengthen its ties to the diverse communities of Montreal, the McCord Museum is proud of its connection to the Groupe communautaire L’Itinéraire.

  • © Alexandre Duguay, L'Itinéraire
  • © Alexandre Duguay, L'Itinéraire
  • © Alexandre Duguay, L'Itinéraire
  • © Alexandre Duguay, L'Itinéraire
  • © Alexandre Duguay, L'Itinéraire

Some concrete results of this partnership

  • In February 2020, Serge Chapleau led a cartoon drawing workshop with a number of camelots (members of L’Itinéraire). They were invited to practice their drawing skills or reflect on a social issue that touches them. The drawings created during this workshop are currently on display on the first floor of the Museum for the duration of the exhibition Chapleau, Profession: Cartoonist.
  • In March 2020, Museum employees participated in an awareness training session on homelessness and the magazine’s mission.
  • A space in front of the Museum is now available as a point of sale for the magazine.
  • L’Itinéraire created a special issue of the magazine with various articles including one focusing on the workshop with the camelots, an interview with Serge Chapleau conducted by Mathieu Thériault, camelot for L’Itinéraire, and the reproduction of a number of Chapleau cartoons from the Museum’s collection.  A copy of this special edition is available for free online (in French only). Happy reading!

Serge Chapleau s’expose – Édition numérique spéciale

L’Itinéraire, much more than a magazine

The mission of the Groupe communautaire L’Itinéraire is to support people who are marginalized, excluded from the traditional labour market, have experienced homelessness, suffer from addiction or have mental health problems. Over the years, approximately 2,500 people have improved their quality of life by writing for and selling the publication.

Chapleau, Profession: Cartoonist

The exhibition Chapleau, Profession: Cartoonist is a perfect opportunity to explore the ties between the work of Chapleau and the mission of L’Itinéraire, both of which take a critical look at current events, are interested in the liberty of expression, and work towards the democratization of information and the dissemination of diverse points of view.

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