
December 9, 2022

McCord Stewart Museum unveils its strategic plan for 2022-2027

Annonces institutionnelles

As the Museum celebrated its 100th anniversary and resumed operations after two years of pandemic, we embarked on an intensive effort to rethink our approaches, policies and procedures, with a view to charting a course for the next five years.

Our audiences’ needs have changed. They want their museum to better reflect their current social concerns and to present their stories in an inclusive and critical manner through its collections and programs. Visitors expect a museum that is participatory, audience-centred and environmentally sustainable, and that fosters dialogue and exchange.

It became clear that to remain relevant we had to take account of changes occurring in society, which increasingly emphasize the importance of acknowledging the consequences of colonialism and of participating actively in the reconciliation process with First Peoples. There is also a need to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and to play an active role in protection of the environment.

It was based on these observations that we developed our five-year strategic plan. This plan outlines the task we have set ourselves. We are confident that it will enable us to meet the expectations of a wide audience and help strengthen the commitment to social justice.

Download 2022-2027 Strategic Plan (PDF)

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