Multicultural Event

February 9 and 10, 2024 | 6:30 p.m.

Mariusca La Slameuse, Sarah Bergeron, Sandrine Masse, Lydol.

Festival Afropolitain Nomade Concert

Paid activity | Space is limited, reservation required.

The Festival Afropolitain Nomade, in collaboration with the Museum, invites you to a multicultural event that’s sure to reveal rich musical discoveries! This unique musical performance, the result of an international residency project that will take place as part of a partnership between Canadian Heritage, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, La Table ronde du Mois de l’histoire des Noirs, the Afromusée, the Festival Afropolitain Nomade and the Museum. 

The creative residency will be held at the Afromusée (January 29 to February 8, 2024) and will bring together artists Sandrine Masse (Wendat), Lydol (Cameroon), Mariusca La Slameuse (Congo) and Sarah Bergeron (Canada), under the artistic direction of Fredy Massamba, composer and arranger as well as artistic director of the festival. 

On February 9 and 10, 2024, instrumentalists, slam artists, singers and creators will present the results of their collaborative creation at the McCord Stewart Museum, as part of Black History Month programming.


  • Paid activity, presented on Friday, February 9, and Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
  • Space is limited, reservation required.
  • Duration: approx. 75 minutes
  • Location: J. Armand Bombardier Theatre at the Museum


  • General admission: $10
  • Seniors: $5
  • Students: $5
  • Museum Members: free
  • Members of Indigenous communities: free 


Sandrine Masse | Wendat

Sandrine Masse, a classically trained violist, has been exploring various musical styles for 15 years, lending her viola playing and voice to groups from all over the world. A graduate of the École nationale de la chanson and winner of the Premier prix Georges-Dor and the public’s choice award at the Chante en français competition, she released her first EP, L’ours noir, in 2022. Her next opus, scheduled for release in 2024, will pay tribute to her territory as a Wendat and Québécois artist, with folk songs tinged with timeless acoustics.

Mariusca La Slameuse | Congo

Mariusca Moukengue, aka Mariusca La Slameuse, is a Congolese slam artist, poet, actress, slam instructor and lawyer. She is the director of the Slamouv international festival and one of the standard-bearers of slam in Congo.  

She is known for her incisive, politically engaged, humanist poetry. Among her many awards, in October 2022 she received a Prince Claus Award from the Dutch Royalty in recognition of her cultural commitment to the community. Her dedication to the cause of children’s rights in the Congo has earned her the title of UNICEF Congo Ambassador for Children’s Rights.

Lydol | Cameroon

Lydol, the first runner-up for the Prix Découvertes RFI, has made a name for herself and her discipline, slam, in Cameroon and elsewhere in Africa. Recently in creative residency at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris, she has performed her slam at prestigious international events. She was designated Ambassador for Africa–European Union Collaboration in 2022, and her discography includes two albums and several singles.  

As a multi-talented artist, she now combines other disciplines in her shows. She embodies her texts theatrically and musically and works to popularize slam and take it out of so-called “intimate” settings. Lydol is a promoter for the PluriElles and Slam’Up festivals and the Science Slam Cameroun competition. She is also the founder of the SHEroes association, which supports women and girls who are victims of violence. She also gives writing workshops.

Sarah Bergeron | Canada

Born in Gaspé, Sarah developed a passion for music and sound production at an early age. As well as learning guitar, she spent most of her free time working on recording and music creation software. Naturally, she chose to pursue a college certificate in sound creation and editing, followed by a diploma in jazz guitar at cégep de Drummondville and a bachelor’s degree in music at Université de Montréal. As a rhythmic and sound designer, she has collaborated with several emerging artists, including Lebza Khey and LV Cupidon, Raccoon, Random, Boutot and Nid de vipères. As a guitarist, she brilliantly rose to the challenge of performing Slash in an all-female Guns N’Roses tribute band.  

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