
First Sunday of the Month: Free access to the Museum this Sunday, February 2! Click here to book your ticket.

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Build your city

April 22, 2020

Montréal is at a standstill. Streets are deserted, and rainbows brighten every window. What if we made the most of this collective pause to imagine the city of our dreams from the comfort of our own homes?

To celebrate Earth Day, which is held every year on April 22, the McCord Museum at home is inviting you to build the model of your perfect city. Discover the activity led by artist Virginie Paoli and school projects in partnership with Une école montréalaise pour tous and become the architect of your own city!

  1. Watch the Minute papillon video by artist Virginie Paoli. (French only)
  2. Collect all the recyclable materials you can find at home: scrap wood, tree bark and anything else that inspires you.
  3. Build your city.
  4. Discover the projects created in classrooms across Montréal.
  5. Talk to your family members about the city of your dreams and see what they think!
  • Photo: Virginie Paoli
  • Photo: Virginie Paoli
  • Photo: Virginie Paoli
  • Photo: Virginie Paoli
  • Photo: Virginie Paoli