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Community planning and health: street, neighbourhood, metropolis

City Talks

January 27, 2021

Lecture presented online on January 27, 2021

This discussion is a follow-up to a special edition held last June: Movement and Distancing: Are Montreal Streets in Transition? Guests looked at the impact of the pandemic on Montreal streets and the first measures put in place by the city of Montreal.

What’s happened since then? Have those decisions, made under urgent circumstances, given rise to a more long-term vision? How will the crisis influence urban planning in the future? Will the health of citizens now be a central concern in decision making?

The presentation in French was followed by a discussion period in French and English with the public.


  • Marianne Giguère, City Councillor for the district of De Lorimier (Le Plateau Mont-Royal), and associate member responsible for active transportation, city of Montreal
  • Anne Pelletier kin, M.Sc, planning, programming and research agent, urban environment and healthy living at the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Véronique Duclos, head of urban environment and healthy living at the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Gérard Beaudet, Urban Planner Emeritus and Professor, School of Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, Université de Montréal

City Talks

The City Talks series brings urban thinkers and builders together to discuss current practical issues related to urban planning and the city, subjects that are relevant to Montrealers.
See the program