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Parachute: a Brand, an Exhibition

Fashion at the Museum

March 10, 2022

Nicola Pelly and Alexis Walker exchange on the close collaboration that allowed them to tell the story of the Parachute brand and its socio-cultural context in the form of an exhibition.

Designer Nicola Pelly is the co-founder of the Montreal-based brand. Alexis Walker is Associate Curator, Dress, Fashion and Textiles at the McCord Museum and curator of the exhibition.

Lecture—in conjunction with the exhibition Parachute: Subversive Fashion of the ’80sin English followed by a discussion with the public in French and in English.

Lecture presented online on February 23, 2022.

Fashion at the Museum

This conversation series showcases famous designers alongside emerging names from the fashion world.

The events are hosted by Stéphane Le Duc, journalist for Dress to KILL magazine, teacher at the École supérieure de mode ESG UQAM and associate curator of the exhibition Parachute: Subversive Fashion of the ’80s.
See the program