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Virtual Launch: Parachute

Live Opening

November 17, 2021

Watch the virtual launch of the new fashion exhibition Parachute: Subversive Fashion of the ’80s.

A conversation moderated by Geneviève Borne with:

  • Nicola Pelly, Co-Founder of the Parachute brand and Associate Curator of the exhibition
  • Alexis Walker, Exhibition Curator and Associate Curator, Dress, Fashion and Textiles, McCord Museum
  • Suzanne Sauvage, President and Chief Executive Officer, McCord Museum

Parachute: Subversive Fashion of the ’80s

The exhibition explore Parachute’s androgynous and provocative clothing, and the company’s transformation from its subcultural beginnings, to a designer brand with concept stores in cities including Montreal, New York and Los Angeles.
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