Réal Giguère (detail), cartoon published in Perspectives on May 13, 1972. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M998.51.7 © McCord Museum

How Small Labels Can Lead to Big Laughs!

Learn about the special challenges involved in creating the labels for the exhibition Chapleau, Profession: Cartoonist.

Patricia Prost, Curatorial Assistant, Archives and Documentary Art, McCord Museum

April 8, 2020

Among the many activities required to design and mount an exhibition, preparing short labels can seem somewhat unimportant. However, these concise, understated descriptions designed to accentuate the objects on display are essential. The labels provide the information visitors need to identify the work and its creator. Consequently, these texts must be crafted with great care to ensure the accuracy of the information presented (creator, title, type of object, date, dimensions, technique, accession number, etc.).

Labels are primarily created with the data used to catalogue the object following its acquisition by the Museum. Given the unique nature of the works to be presented in the exhibition Chapleau, Profession: Cartoonist, we decided to compose a longer version of the title for each cartoon. The idea is to provide some background information to complement the drawing itself. Some of the cartoons displayed date back to the 1970s, which means visitors will not always be familiar with the events that inspired them. For the humour to be effective, we therefore felt it was necessary to provide a few clues to help them better understand the joke and enjoy a good laugh!

One series of cartoons in particular, however, presented quite a challenge. In the 1970s and 1990s, Chapleau drew cartoons for the weekly magazines Perspectives and 7 Jours. While the drawings that appeared daily in La Presse or Le Devoir generally referred to events that can be found by rereading newspapers from that era, those published in Perspectives and 7 Jours were inspired less by specific current events and more by the personality traits of the entertainment stars featured in the magazines in question.

His album L'amour est sans pitié was a big success, but Jean Leloup’s extravagant, edgy look was sometimes a bit over the top.
Cartoon published in 7 Jours, 1992. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M996.10.591 © McCord Museum
The pugnacious and seasoned author, journalist and presenter Denise Bombardier wears all her various hats with an assurance that sometimes smacks of overconfidence.
Cartoon published in 7 Jours, 1991. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M2003.143.217 © McCord Museum
In the early 1970s, the famously jovial TV presenter Réal Giguère (1933-2019) dominated the airwaves at Télé-Métropole (now TVA).
Cartoon published in Perspectives, May 13, 1972. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M998.51.7 © McCord Museum
The singer-songwriter Michel Rivard, winner of countless awards and considered the Gilles Vigneault or Félix Leclerc of his generation, could hardly be blamed for having a head big enough to reach the “hole in the clouds” that served as the title of one of his albums.
Cartoon published in 7 Jours, January 26, 1991. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M996.10.190 © McCord Museum
The shocking disappearance of the famous hair once possessed by Guy Lafleur, nicknamed the “Blond Demon,” prompted the hockey player to employ the services of a hair loss clinic.
Cartoon published in 7 Jours, March 17, 1990. Gift of Serge Chapleau, M2003.143.218 © McCord Museum

Some of these cartoons have aged well. People today still recognize the eccentricities of singer-songwriter Jean Leloup and the sometimes overconfidence of Denise Bombardier. In other cases, however, it was necessary to dive deeper into the spirit of the times to recall, for example, how some people eventually tired of television host Réal Giguère’s ubiquitous presence on the small screen, how singer Michel Rivard’s multiple hits in the early 1990s ended up going to his head, or how hockey player Guy Lafleur was so attached to his legendary mane of hair that he decided to become a spokesman for a hair loss clinic. That being said, despite the challenges, it was a true pleasure to rediscover the faces of Quebec’s favourite stars from 30 or 50 years ago.

About the author

Patricia Prost, Curatorial Assistant, Archives and Documentary Art, McCord Museum

Patricia Prost, Curatorial Assistant, Archives and Documentary Art, McCord Museum

A graduate in history and archival studies with a background in the Canadian art world, Patricia combines these three passions as she works on archival processing and dissemination projects for the Archives and Documentary Art collections. Her primary interests are the history of emotions and how emotions are revealed in archival documents.
A graduate in history and archival studies with a background in the Canadian art world, Patricia combines these three passions as she works on archival processing and dissemination projects for the Archives and Documentary Art collections. Her primary interests are the history of emotions and how emotions are revealed in archival documents.