Collections and Research

Thomas Molson’s notebook, 1820-1824. Gift of Miss Mabel Molson, M19113 © McCord Museum

List of main fonds and collections

The Archives collection is composed of 850 sets of documents, most of which are archival fonds related to individuals, families or organizations, or special collections organized around a theme or type of document (see all fonds and collections).

Here is a list of our main fonds and collections, grouped into 12 thematic categories reflecting the strengths of the collection.

Thematic categories


Medecine and Science

– Astro-Meteorological Association (P304)
– Natural History Society of Montréal (P237)
– Thompson, David (P306)

Business and Economy

– Armstrong, Deligny and Phillips, Familles (P009)
– Bagg, Family (P070) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Blondeau, Maurice-Régis (P098) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Bryson, Gordon (P672) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Canadian Pacific (C630)
– Caverhill, Family (P645) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Cuthbert, Family (P105) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Dominion Line Steamships: Passenger Department(C073)
– Douville, Charles Irénée (P554) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Echenberg, Eddy (C586)
– Gibb, Family (P075) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Gravel, Ludger (P091) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Hart, Family (P013) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Hudson’s Bay Company (C099)
– Kollymer, Andrew (P200)
– McKenna’s House of Flowers (P728)
– Murdoch, James (P589)
– Navigation and Sea Transport (C545)
– North West Company (C104) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Pozer, Family (P016)
– Rawlings, Family (P017)
– Redpath, John (P085)
– Rolph-Clark-Stone Limited (P096)
– Rouville, Seigneurs of (P107) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Saint Lawrence Hall Hotel (P093)
– Schulich, Seymour (C095)
– Shap’s Soda and Lunch (P725)
– Sorel, Seigneurie de (P109)
– Walker, Family (P110)
– Windsor Hotel (P092) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS

War and the Military

– Amherst, Baron Jeffery (c171)
– Canadian Military Documents (C169)
– Fenian Raids (C180)
– First World War (C218)
– Gordon, William Augustus P172)
– Johnson, Family (P175)
– McKay, William (P178)
– McKee, John (P181)
– Munro, John and Henry (P049)
– Murray, James (P307)
– Rebellions of 1837 and 1838 (C179)
– Ross, John Wardrop (P217)
– Second World War (C311)
– Seven Years War in North America (C170)
– South African War (Boer War) (C312)
– Stevenson, Richard Henry (P681)
– Victoria Rifles of Canada (P190)
– Von Riedesel, Friedrick Adolphus (P176)
– War of 1812-1814 (C177)
– War of the American Revolution (C174)
– Watts, William John (P663)
– Wolfe, James (C173)

Politics and Government

– Badgley, Family (P195)
– Cartier, Sir George-Étienne (P197) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Casgrain, Forget and Berthelot, Families (P683) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Hale, Edward (P036)
– Morris and Felton, Families (P047)
– Murray, Sir George (P206)
– Papineau, Louis-Joseph (C207)
– Riel, Louis (C209)
– Sanborn, Family (P058)
– Stuart, Lavinia (P211)
– Taschereau, Louis-Alexandre (P632) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS

Culture, Literature et the Arts

– Baillargeon-Côté, Hélène (P132) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Boorne & May (C402)
– Canadian Artists (C121)
– Curtis, Edward Sherrif (P443)
– Eckstein, Willie (P767) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Expo 67 and Man and His World (C146) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Fashion, Fabrics and Clothing (C609) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– First Nations (C303)
– Flaherty, Robert J. (P439)
– Gagnon, Clarence A. (P116) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Henderson, Alexander (P433)
– Heriot, John Charles Alison (P038)
– Hime, Humphrey Lloyd (P436)
– L’Opinion publique and Canadian Illustrated News (C572)
– Magic Lanterns (C558)
– Malloch, William Bell (P407)
– Millar, Charles Howard, Family (P431)
– Morgan, James (P137)
– Nolin, Marie-Paule (C726)
– Pen and Pencil Club of Montreal (P139) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Performing Arts (C156) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Poitras, Jean-Claude (P689) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Racey, Arthur George (C267)
– Sperber, Lawrence (P753) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Starke, Sally (C153)
– The Westmount Thespians (P751) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Thomson, John Stuart (C143)
– Warden, John (P741) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– William Notman & Son Photographic Studio (C343)
– Women’s Art Society of Montreal (P125) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS

Professions and Trade

– Campbell, Marjorie Wilkins (P128)
– David, Donalda (P735) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Ferguson, Stanley (P693) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Gale, Samuel (P199)
– Jones, David Thomas (P650)
– MacLeod, H. A. F. (P243)
– Mailloux, Murielle (P687) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Meloche, Family (P556) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Racey, Family (P057) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Reade, John (P140)
– Reid, Helen Richmond Young (P141)
– Robson, John and Hannah (P008)

Social and Philanthropic Organizations

– Beaver Club (P305) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Brothers-in-law Association (P194)
– Cercle des Gourmettes internationales (P724)
– Diggers and Weeders Garden Club of Montreal (P697)
– Junior League of Montreal (P685) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Montreal Hunt Club (P161) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Montreal Thistle Curling Club (P148) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Province of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds (P423)
– Themis Club (P236)
– WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) (P590)
– Women’s Canadian Club of Montreal (P722)
– Women’s Investment Group no.2 (P720)

Religious and Fraternal Organizations

– Anglican Chrurch (C223)
– Baldwin, Maurice Scollard (P226)
– Bompas, William Carpenter (P227)
– Mitchell, Family (P044)
– Scott, Frederick George (P229)

Family and Private Life

– Adams, Family (P023)
– Bacon, Family (P025) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Beaugrand, Honoré (P675) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Bensley, Catharine and Edward Horton (P643)
– Boright et Rodger, Families (P027)
– Brodie, Family (P021)
– Brown, Elizabeth Leighton (P721)
– Cardaillac, Gilberte Christin de (P573) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Cartier, Louis-Joseph, Family (P660) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Charrier, Michael and Victor (P029)
– Chartier de Lotbinière and Harwood, Families (P292) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Clouston et Todd, Families (P007)
– Collins, John (P719)
– Cook, Family (P012)
– De Rocheblave, Bouthillier, Routh (C019)
– Des Rivières and Taschereau, Families (P752) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Dessaulles, Papineau, Leman and Béique, Families (P010) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Drummond, Family (P015)
– Frothingham, Family (P034)
– Grannis, Meigs and Meekren, Families (P078)
– Greenshields, Family (P011)
– Grignon and Guèvremont, Families (P747) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Guerin, Family (P610) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Judah and Springle, Families (P014)
– Le Moine, Family (P761) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Leclère (Leclerc), Family (P731) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Lot 1780, Peel Street (C640)
– Lot 374, Westmount (C642)
– Lunn, Cross and MacInnes, Families (P042)
– McConnell, John Wilson (P607)
– McCord, Family (P001) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– McGillivray, Family (P100)
– Molson, Family (P046)
– Molson, Nona (P723) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Nelson, Family (P296)
– Perrault, Family (P539) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Petch, William N. (P163) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Poutré, Léontine and Martin, Hercule (P748) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Reed, Family (P056)
– Reford, Family (P018)
– Robillard, Family (P106) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Stephens, Family (P020)
– Tremblay, Jérémie and Bergeron, Mariette (P757) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Trent, Family (P022) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Turgeon, Family (P732) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Verdon, Family (P108) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Walker, John and John Henry (P729)
– Will, Family (P621)

Travel and Exploration

– Back, Sir George (P238) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Bridge, Samuel Southby (P353)
– Cormack, William Eppes (P239)
– Cresswell, R.H.S. and Fred S. (P240)
– Dease, Peter Warren (P241)
– Downes, Prentice Gilbert (P759)
– Franklin, Sir John (P242)
– McVicar, Robert (P103)
– O’Neill, John Johnston (P244)
– Peck, Hugh A. (P416)
– Richardson, Sir John (P248)
– Ridley, Robert L. (P756)
– Ross, Sir John (P245)

General History

– Corley-Murchison (C340)
– Daviault, Georges-Alphonse (C626)

Special Collections

– Canadian Almanacs (C622)
– Canadian Directories (C623)
– Canadiana Collection(C002) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Children’s Literature (C117)
– Choquette, Alain (C692)
– Dance Card (C288)
– Ephemera (C656)
– Games of the XXIst Olympiad – Montreal 1976 (C277)
– Menus and Gastronomy (C285) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Numismatic (C251)
– O’Brien, Julian Armstrong (C716)
– Pamphlets and Advertisements (C283) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Recipes and Food (C265) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS
– Religious Books (C394)
– School Work (C145) – DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS

Not to be missed!

Not to be missed!