Temporary Exhibition

Until August 16 - Last chance!

  • Camp Fires : Musée McCord
  • Camp Fires : Musée McCord
  • Camp Fires : Le Baroque Queer
  • Camp Fires : Le Baroque Queer
  • Camp Fires : Le Baroque Queer
  • Camp Fires : Le Baroque Queer

Camp Fires: the Queer Baroque of Léopold L. Foulem, Paul Mathieu and Richard Milette

This provocative exhibition, featuring explicit themes, brings together 60 works by three internationally renowned ceramic artists, all with a deep attachment to Montreal, whether by birth or by choice. United by their common experience and a critical discourse on gay identity, they share a post-modern predilection for humour, appropriation and pastiche as well as social and cultural criticism. For more than 30 years, they have explored the theme of ”camp,” an artistic sensibility that emerged in the 20th century alongside queer exuberance.

Curated by Robin Metcalfe. Organized by the Gardiner Museum, Toronto. This project is supported by the Museum Assistance Program at Canadian Heritage.

Explicit themes.

Camp Fires Musée McCord

Behind the exhibition by Robin Metcalfe, Curator of the exhibition, and artists Léopold L. Foulem et Richard Milette. (In French)

Not to be missed!

What people are saying about it

« Outrageous » Canadian Art
« Witty and daring » National Post
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Not to be missed!