
Impact of your donation
You make a difference when you give to the McCord Stewart Museum.
- You are helping us present challenging exhibitions and host artists in residence.
- You support our efforts to conserve and restore our large collections of objects, images and documents representing more than 1.5 million items in the collections: Archives, Documentary Art, Dress, Fashion and Textiles, Indigenous Cultures, Material Culture, and Photography.
- You participate in offering bold cultural and educational programming that brings people together and that enriches everyone.
- You enable us to open our doors free of charge to people who otherwise could not afford to visit us through your support of our accessibility programs.
- You help our Archives and Documentation Centre remain THE reference for researchers from here and abroad.
And most importantly, you are supporting the museum you love. Your generosity is vital to us. Thank you for doing so.
Thanks to our donors
2023-2024 Annual Fundraising Campaign
Major donations
BMO Financial Group
Canada Life
Valero Énergy
THE OVI FUND – A Zhao-Ionescu Foundation
Azrieli Foundation
Zeller Family Foundation
Hylcan Foundation
J.A. DeSève Foundation
René Malo Foundation
Rossy Foundation
Pierre Mantha Fonds
Mark W. Gallop
TD Bank Group
Power Corporation of Canada
Rio Tinto
TFI International
Companies and foundations donations
Anonymous (1)
Barbara and Melvin Schloss Foundation
Bax Investments
Céline and Jacques Lamarre Foundation
Erin O’Brien and George Priniotakis Foundation
Grant Family Foundation
Hay Foundation
Lilith Holdings, in memory of C. Robin Molson
Strideco Holdings
Leonard and Alice Cohen Family Foundation
Moe Levin Family Foundation
McCarthy Tétrault Foundation
Phyllis Lambert Foundation
Polar Foundation
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Tyringham Investments
Individuals donations
Anonymous (12)
Sophie Beaudoin
James and Michèle Beckerleg
Robert Bélanger
Dominique Bellemare
John Blachford
James and Diana Bouchard
Freda and Irwin Browns
Michel Brutti
Jean-Jacques Carrier
Lucie Charbonneau
Gilles and Sigrid Chatel
James Cherry
Marc Choko and Marie-Claude Bourdon
John Collyer
Norman and Lorena Cook
Greg Dalianis
Raymond Décarie
Douglas and Diane Deruchie
Armand Des Rosiers
Pierre Dozois
Martin Farnsworth
David Gawley and Linda Leith
Cynthia Gordon
Robert Graham and Sharon Sparling
Sally Harrington-Philippo
John and Anne-Marie Hart
Donald Haslam
Joan Ivory
Peter and Gail Johnson, in honour of Cynthia Gordon
Denise Jussaume
Jo-Ann Kane
Michal Kuzmicki
Julie Laurence
Jean-Michel Lavoie and Scott Yetman
Gilbert and Tina Lee
Suzanne Legge and R. Jeffrey Orr
Linda and Peter Leus
Raymond Levasseur
Paul Lewis
Paul-André Linteau
Nadia Luong
Eric Maldoff
Nancy McCullogh and Stuart MacLeod
Michael and Sally Mann
W. G. and Lillian Mauer
Sally McDougall
Jane and Eric Molson
Helen Murphy
Hugh Notman
Peter O’Brien and Lorna Telfer
Danny Pagé
Suzanne Paquet
Pierre Paquin
Jeanne Pascale
Rosalind Pepall
Gordon Peters
Christopher Pickwoad
Sylvie Plouffe and Barry Cole
Julie Keith and Richard W. Pound
William Prevost
Jean-Denis Proulx
Anne Raby
Félix Rhéaume
Sylvie Rochon, in memory of Gilles Rochon
Bruno Ronfard
Geraldine Routh
Lise Roy
Amélie Saint-Pierre
Gilles Salvas
Suzanne Sauvage
Bhasker and Satinder Shetty
Gerry Shadeed and Bente Christensen
Elisabeth Starenkyj
Deirdre Stevenson
John Thompson
Samuel Tirer
Zoe Faust Trahan
Catherine and Adam Turner, in honour of Doug Deruchie
Gérald Henri Vuillien
Mary Wells
Christopher Wiegand
Henry and Melodie Yates
Thank you also to our 623 donors who gave less than $250.
Monthly donations
Leila Afriat
Madeleine André
Theresia Botez Marquard
Caroline Bourgeois
Christine Brassard
Isabelle Briclot
David Clendenning
Aileen Desbarats
Laeticia Engunda
Joan Foster
Micheline Fournier
Marie-Lucie Grégoire
Corinne Isambert
Christl Jemelka
Elizabeth Jennaway Eaman
Marion Laberge
Louise Laplante
Monique Leyrolles
Suzanne Leyrolles
Leigh MacKenzie Taylor
Gerzain Maldonado
Duncan Marvin
Anne-Marie Merkly
François Morin
Frédéric Morrisseau
Armand Parent
Brooks Piper
Mary Poland
Richard Renaud
Terry Scott
2021-2022 Centennial Fund
Major Patron, Corporate Component
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
RBC Foundation
Société Générale Capital Canada
Air Canada
Anne-Marie and Mitch Garber Family Foundation
CIBC Capital Markets
Intact Financial Corporation
Mise sur toi Foundation
Sun Life Québec
TFI International
Major donors
Anonymous (1)
Business Development Bank of Canada
Jan Krijff and Karen Green
Jean-Michel Lavoie and Scott Yetman
Polar Foundation
Rogers Communications
Société des alcools du Québec
Margot Adair
Derek Anderson and Josie Hails
Anonymous (29)
Karen Aziz
Daniel Baer and Johanne Larrissey
Grégoire Baillargeon
Bax Investments
Lucie Beaupré
James and Michèle Beckerleg
Robert Bélanger
Dominique Bellemare
François Bérubé and Sophie Marcil
Rose Bidler
Trevor Bishop
John Blachford
James and Diana Bouchard
Marc Choko and Marie-Claude Bourdon
Barbara Brodeur
Irwin and Freda Browns
Michel Brutti
Jean-Jacques Carrier
Marcel Caya and Thérèse Bussières
Gilles and Sigrid Chatel
James Cherry
CIBC Children’s Foundation
Claude Cormier + Associés
Patricia Claxton
John and Pattie Cleghorn
David Clendenning in memory of William Clendenning Sr.
Barry Cole and Sylvie Plouffe
John Collyer
Marvin Corber
Greg Dalianis
Elizabeth Danowski
Jean de Grandpré
Eve de Lamirande
Raymond Décarie and Michelle Beauregard
Douglas and Diane Deruchie
Louise Drouin
Heidi Drymer
Ginette Ducharme and Serge Julien
Gaétane Dufour
Richard Elson in memory of Lise Elson
Paul Engel
Erin O’Brien and George Priniotakis Foundation
Martin Farnsworth in memory of Judith Ann Farnsworth
Julia Finn
Susan Fitzpatrick
John Fleming
Véronique-Isabelle Forest
Dominique Fortier
Céline and Jacques Lamarre Foundation
Jacques Fournier
Robert and Lorris Frankfurt
Hélène Fugère
Bernard Gauthier
David Gawley and Linda Leith
Claude Gendron
Richard Gervais and Marie Chevrier in memory of David Ross McCord
Marie Giguère Fund of the Philanthra Foundation
Thomas and Caroline Gillespie
Philippe Girard and Paulette Côté
Robert Graham and Sharon Sparling
Groupe Leclair
Jean-Eudes Guy
Lalage Hackett
Martha Hancock
Richard Harnois
Sally Harrington-Philippo
Michael Harrison
Donald Haslam
Hay Foundation
Highwater Foundation
Charles Hill in memory of C.B. Elberts
Mel and Ann Hodes
Claudette Hould
Richard and Satoko Ingram
Irving Ludmer Family Foundation
Guthrie Stewart and Sarah Ivory
Joan Ivory
Marie-Claude Jalbert
Denise Jussaume
Helen Kahn
Eric Klinkhoff
Caroline Labelle
Carole Labelle-Molson
Denise Laferrière
David Laidley and Ellen Wallace
Suzanne Lamarre
Jacinthe Laporte
Gilbert and Tina Lee
Suzanne Legge and Jeffrey Orr
Leonard and Alice Cohen Family Foundation
Alain Lesage in memory of Jeannine Blouin
Raymond Levasseur
Nathalie Lévesque
Joan Lindsay
Paul-André Linteau
Nadia Luong
Stuart MacLeod
Eric Maldoff
Alicia Maniloff
Michael and Sally Mann
Duncan Marvin
Charles and Anne Matheson
Denise Mauger
McCarthy Tétrault Foundation
McCord Museum Volunteer Guides Association
Sally McDougall
David and Tassy McEntyre
Anson McKim in memory of Joan McKim
Anne McKim Mackintosh
Katharine Mills
K. Dean Mitchell
Stephen and Nancy Molson
Eric and Jane Molson
Claire Montpetit
Morgan Stanley Canada
André Morin
Georges Morin
Cornelia Nihon
Jacques Nolin
Marc Novakoff
William Tresham and Madeleine Panaccio
Mariella Pandolfi
Suzanne Paquet
Jeanne Pascale
Patrick Kelly and Sophie Palmer
Peacock Family Foundation
Maria Peluso
Rosalind Pepall
Claude Perras in memory of Monique Favreau
Pierre Mantha Fund of the Frontenac Foundation
Madeleine Poulin
Dominique Poulin-Gouin and Louis-Joseph Gouin
Richard Pound and Julie Keith
Miriam Pozza
William Prevost
Jean-Denis Proulx
Jean-Pierre Provencher and Suzanne Gagnon
Viviane Quane
Cecil and Robert Rabinovitch
Anne Raby
Richelieu Hardware
Karen Robin-Lemieux
Miriam Roland
Adam Rolland
Pierre Rousseau
Geraldine Routh in memory of James Francis Randolf Routh
Lise Roy in memory of Éliane Chénard
Louise Roy
Luce Saint-Pierre
Hélène Samson
Danielle Sauvage
Suzanne Sauvage
Fred and Beverly Schaeffer
François Senécal-Tremblay
Tania Shamy
Deirdre Stevenson
Irwin Tauben
Scott Taylor
Lorna Telfer and Peter O’Brien
René Therrien
John Thompson
Samuel Tirer
Kerrigan Turner
Adam and Catherine Turner
Tyringham Investments
Mario Vanasse
Luc Vandal
Robert Wallace in memory of Tasha Anne Wallace
WCPD Foundation
Pierre Wehbi
Mary Wells
Christopher Wiegand
Christopher Winn
Nancy Wright
Henry and Melodie Yates
W. Hugh Notman of the ZLC Foundation
And thank you to the 351 donors who donated less than $250.
Special Projects
Access programs
Projects | Donors |
Free entry for children | Fondation J.A. DeSève |
Free Wednesday evenings | BMO Bank of Montreal |
100 Free Days | BMO Financial Group |
Free entry for teens | Rossy Foundation |
A day camp for all | McCord Stewart Museum employees |
Education, community engagement and cultural programs
Projects | Donors |
Subsidized school tours | Canada Life, Hylcan Foundation |
Educational activities on Indigenous cultures | Rossy Foundation |
A Week at the Museum | Energy Valero |
Sharing Our Memories, Our Stories | Zeller Family Foundation, Luc Maurice Foundation |
Program for French learners | Scotia Bank |
Collections and Conservation
Projects | Donors |
Online Collections | Azrieli Foundation |
John Redpath Fonds | Mark W. Gallop |
Diggers & Weeders Garden | Mark W. Gallop |
Club Fonds | Mark W. Gallop |
McCord Family Fonds | Mark W. Gallop |
Hart Family Fonds | Mark W. Gallop |