
November 10, 2022

New appointments to the Museum and Foundation Boards of Trustees

Museum Announcements

The Boards of Trustees of the McCord Stewart Museum and the Museum Foundation are pleased to announce the appointment of new Board members. The Museum welcomes David Veillette, Vice President, Government Affairs at McKesson Canada and the Foundation welcomes Elisabeth Starenkyj, Co-Chair, Senior Associate at La tête chercheuse.

On behalf of the Museum and Foundation boards and teams, we warmly welcome them!


David Veillette is Vice President, Government Affairs at McKesson Canada since January 2017. He oversees government relations for the Quebec and Atlantic markets for McKesson Canada’s distribution, retail and community pharmacy and specialty healthcare business units. In this capacity, he is responsible for implementing the strategies and actions necessary to achieve McKesson Canada’s objectives with the various governments. He is also responsible for McKesson’s public affairs and communications in Quebec.

Prior to joining McKesson, he was Vice President of the Public Affairs Group at the Montreal office of NATIONAL Public Relations, where he worked for seven years. Prior to that, he was a director of a public affairs firm, a policy advisor in the office of the Minister of Health of Canada and a policy advisor in the office of the Premier of Quebec.

David holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Université de Montréal and an Executive MBA (EMBA) from ESG-UQAM. Recognized for his involvement in the community, he has been very active in various social, political and economic organizations. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec.
McCord Stewart Museum Board of Trustees


Elisabeth Starenkyj is a businesswoman with over 20 years of experience in marketing, communications and sales. She thrives on challenges and has worked on the client side as well as the agency side and in the media world. After having directed the sales and marketing of the Montreal Sports International, the Antonopoulos Group and the Infopresse Group, she joined the talent firm La tête chercheuse to become its senior partner and co-president in 2019. With extensive experience in strategy, planning, business development, sponsorships and management, she guides the firm’s development and accompanies clients in their business strategy involving talent acquisition.

Trained in music, Elisabeth has a keen sensitivity and intuition that allows her to capture the motivations of the people around her. She strongly believes in the respect of individuals and places great importance on the development of talent in an organizational context, thus predisposing the best performances. An active listener and open-minded, she has built a vast network of contacts in various industries.

Elisabeth is also a member of the strategic committee of the Institut de la confiance dans les organisations (ICO), a member of the steering committee of the Regroupement des firmes de services professionnels indépendants (RFSPI), a member of the HR/Governance Committee of the McCord Museum Foundation and was a member of the Board of Art Souterrain until 2022.
McCord Museum Foundation

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